CANOSSIAN SISTERS, MAGALLANES Canossian Daughters of Charity (FdCC)

Education assistance for needy children Expenses for food assistance, educational assistance, spiritual formation, medical check-up and medicines, human formation, recreation and mission animation. The project is to support the neediest children of 10 barangays/areas of Magallanes.

Mary Immaculate Parochial School, MACALELON DIOCESE OF GUMACA

Renovation of the school building Cost of building materials and labour charges to renovate the school building. The school started in 1996 to promote the integral formation where religious and Filipino values are part of the curriculum. Present classrooms are so small since divided regular size of classroom into two just to accommodate more students.

St. Peter Catholic School, Mulanay DIOCESE OF GUMACA

Roof repair of classrooms Cost of carpentry works, hardwares and tinsmithry works, roof opening and ceiling paint, labor, contingencies and mobilization. Established in 1995, the roof and facilities have shown wear and tear, and in need of repairs to offer a conductive learning space for children.


Construction of additional school building Cost of materials and labour charges to build additional classrooms. Because of the rapid upward trajectory of the school’s enrolment for the past three years, additional building for the classrooms is required. It will offer quality education for more children, and also catholic values through faith formation and religious activities.

St. Didacus of Alcala Cathedral Parish, DIOCESE OF GUMACA

Faith formation with nutrition component Expenses related to feeding program, Sunday formation program of catechetical day, rosary month, Bible Sunday celebration, Easter Sunday program, Christmas youth program and cost of transportation.

Coversion of St. Paul Parochial School, Pitogo DIOCESE OF GUMACA

Education support for poor students Provision of 10 months tuition fees. The scholarship will enable the poor children to have a good and quality education offered by the school. The Christian values will help the growth of the children. The children are involved in the promotion of the Mission Sunday activities.

St. Vincent De Paul Shelter for Girls, Quezon Sister Handmaids of Charity of St. Vincent De Paul (SMDC)

Maintenance of girls in the Shelter Expenses of food, medical care, education, utilities, psychological intervention, maintenance and recreation activities. It is a nurturing home for children come from neglected, disadvantaged and urban poor backgrounds. They need guidance, protection, care, human and spiritual formation to grow well in all the aspects of their life and to …

St. Vincent De Paul Shelter for Girls, Quezon Sister Handmaids of Charity of St. Vincent De Paul (SMDC) Read More »