
Pauline Jaricot Life

An overview of the life of Pauline Jaricot’s, one of Missio’s founders. For use in parishes and groups as well as individually, in the run up to Pauline’s Beatification on 22 May 2022

NMC CS: Communication in the Digital Age

2nd National Mission Congress Concurrent Session: Communication in the Doigital Age Rev. Fr. Norman Pena, SSp, of the St. Paul University Manila College of Arts, Sciences and Education is an expert on modern communication. He is to discuss how modern communication platforms can be used in the missionary activities of the church.

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle: Reviving the Missionary Mandate of the Church

Watch Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle gives us ideas on how we can rebuild our passion for the Church’s mandated mission in today’s situation. This talk was given during the 2nd National Mission Congress held online 17 – 24 April, 2022. The event was organized by the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Mission as the official culminating …

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle: Reviving the Missionary Mandate of the Church Read More »

NMC CS: Interreligious Dialogue

2nd National Mission Congress Concurrent Session: Interreligious Dialogue In this session, Mr. Pablito Baybado, Jr., Associate Professor of the University of Santo Tomas Institute of Religion, discusses the importance of conducting dialogues with people of different faiths, relative to the mission of the Church to interact with as many people as possible.