The Priests’ Way of Life – The Pope Video 6 – June 2019

Let us draw near to one of the many parish priests who work in our communities. What gives meaning to his life? Whom does he serve? Why does he give so much of himself? Jesus Christ is the center of his life, and he wants to imitate his lifestyle. It’s not easy to live “Gospel simplicity,” understanding and doing all things under the sign of mercy, near to those who are poorest. “I would like to ask you to look at the priests who work in our communities. They are not perfect, but many give it their all until the very end, offering themselves with humility and joy. They are priests who are close to the people, ready to work hard for everyone. Let us be thankful for their example and testimony. Let us pray that priests, through the modesty and humility of their lives, commit themselves actively to solidarity with those who are most poor.” Each month, The Pope Video disseminates the Holy Father’s prayer intentions regarding the challenges of humanity and the mission of the Church. If you want to see more videos about the Pope’s intentions, you can find them at With the collaboration of Vatican Media: